Current route info

From every child component you can access current route state.

In any component wrapped with <EasyrouteProvider>, on any level of nesting, you can use useCurrentRoute hook. It is a custom implementation of Observable pattern, so you can "subscribe" to current route object. It goes like this:

import useCurrentRoute from '@easyroute/react/useCurrentRoute'

export default function Component(props) {
    const currentRoute = useCurrentRoute()
    return <p>{ currentRoute.fullPath }</p>

If you want to use it in class-based component, simply wrap your component like this and pass route object as a prop:

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
    constructor({ currentRoute }) {
    // ...

export default function WrappedComponent() {
    const currentRoute = useCurrentRoute()
    return <MyComponent currentRoute={currentRoute} />