Navigation guards

If you want to do something before component is changed by router, you can add navigation guards.

Global guards and hooks

There are three types of global navigation hooks: beforeEach, afterEach and transitionOut.

You can specify them like that:

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {

router.afterEach((to, from) => {
  console.log('We are on new page!')


router.transitionOut((to, from, next) => {
  console.log('Page "faded away": do something!')

"to" and "from" are objects with routes info. "next" is function that resolves hook's promise and continues transition. If you will not put "next()" in beforeEach or transitionOut hook - transition will NEVER complete.

transitionOut is a hook that is executed after the router "leaving" animation has finished, but before the "enter" animation starts. If no transition is configured for the RouterOutlet, the hook is ignored.

Individual route guard

You can set an individual guard for each route:

const router = new Router({
    // ...
    routes: [
            path: '/path',
            component: Component,
            beforeEnter: (to, from, next) {
                console.log('I am here!')
            transitionOut: (to, from, next) {
                console.log('Leaving transition finished!')

These guards have the exact same signature as global before guards.

Note: all router guards functions can be async.

More control

next can be used without arguments, then route changing will continue. Next arguments are also valid:

  • true - same as no argument passed;
  • false - route changing will be cancelled;
  • path, for example /login – redirect to another route.

You can use this for auth control, 404 redirects based on resources fetch failure, etc.